Welcome to your Daily Tasks Management System. In this template you will find a very simple and easy to use System to organize your daily routine and have a clean view of what yo have to do next.
<aside> <img src="/icons/cursor-click_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/cursor-click_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Content
First, you will find a clock, and a pomodoro timer, we find the Pomodoro Technique very useful to focus on our work, and we hope you find it useful too!
We have hidden the master Database in a small toggle in the top-right corner to keep safe, yet accessible
You can always access it and take a look of how many tasks you have completed so far and also how many pending ones you have. Also, it is useful to add several tasks at once.
Now the most important part. Your Dashboard!
It is divided into three different sections: